Size : 59cm x 19cm
price 2000yen
Textile : Abbaca(アバッカ),
Thai H`mong H`mong
(タイのモン族パターン) ,
Silk (inside)(絹内布)
Size : 15.5cm x 10.5cm
Price : 2300yen
You can put in SmartPhone and Passport also, good for the air port and travelling!!
The Shoulder strap is removable.
Textile : Abbaca, Thai H`mong Patern,
Size : 20cm x 9cm
Price : 1800yen
Textile : Abbaca , Thai H`mong Patern,
Size : 20cm x 9cm
Price : 1800yen
Textile : Abbaca, Thai H`mong Patern
Size : 15cm x 10cm
Price : 1300yen
☆Please choose A(left) or B(right)
You can put cards ,Pasumo, Suica etc ,on the front pocket.
and Main pocket for mobile phone.
#Not for SmartPhone or I phone.
#スマートフォンやI phone 用ではありません
Textile : Abbaca (Philippine)
Hemp, Cotton, Indigo,
(by Black H`mong, Vietnam)
Size : 13cm x 19cm
Price : 2000yen
Color : Blue(青) , Red(赤), White (白)
Please choose the color!!
when it's open!
Abbaca 100% from Philipine
Size :
Price : 3500yen
Ku-ki means Air by japanese. It is so light as air, breezing , brow in the wind,
Abbaca 100% from Philipine
Size :
price : 3500yen